Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shh Roleplay - It died. Again.

This is what you'll see if you visit
(Click to enlarge)

Just a few days ago I wrote about Shh Roleplay never staying dead, and I was completely right. It has been shut down, AGAIN!
Apparently, it was shut down this time due to hosting issues and the fact that "it's not going anywhere". Will it stay dead this time? I highly doubt it, considering that it has been revived a billion times before.
I've got to give them some credit, though, they didn't use OpenAura. They used a TacoScript 2 edit which they called ShhScript 2.

It was revived by Adrian and a few other people, people got interested in it, it put up its server and the server started becoming a lot less populated than before. Eventually barely anyone went on the server, and now it has been officially shut down. Again.
It just goes to show that some things should just stay dead.

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