A few days ago, I noticed that the domain "shhroleplay.co.uk" would transfer you to "harlex.net", and it would display exactly the same "Bye" message as before. I then noticed that a sub-domain existed, with a forum on itself. I didn't think too much about it, as the forum was empty and had a few "test" threads by Skarphet here and there.
But, while randomly visiting shhroleplay.co.uk again, I noticed that it now displayed a new message...
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So, Harlex Network. A new community, or another revival of Shh (with a new name)? Well, it was advertised on shhroleplay.co.uk, so I'd assume that it's another revival, but who the fuck knows?
From HL2RP to PERP... Right
(Click to enlarge)
yes harlex is a NEW community being started by voidicus and alex (scarpeyt)