Thursday, February 17, 2011

OpenAura - The new DarkRP

In my first post on this blog I clearly stated that nowadays you just see RP servers running either DarkDM... I mean, DarkRP... or OpenAura. What exactly is OpenAura, you ask?
OpenAura is a Garry's Mod roleplay framework, created by kurozael/kuropixel/kuromiku/Conna Cook/Conna Wiles. Often just referred to as kuro, since he changes his name like he changes his underwear.

Now, before kuro made OpenAura, he made a shit ton of other frameworks, which all looked exactly the same.
After seeing Rick Dark's roleplay gamemode TacoScript (which a lot of people should be familiar with), kuro decided to make a total ripoff of TacoScript and name it kuroScript. Then he made kuroScript 2, Prototype, Blueprints, Nexus... I'm actually not quite sure which order all of his gamemodes came in, but they were all frameworks and they all looked and felt the same.
When he made Nexus (an edit of his previous framework, no surprise there), he felt after a while like he didn't have time to keep supporting it, so he released it to the public. After making Blueprints, I believe, which was a Nexus edit with some minor bug fixes and some fancier text (cuz baeb, dats wat maekz rp gewd), he decided that he wanted to milk the rich 12 year olds for their money again, and used his Lua backdoors which Nexus was riddled with to take down every server running Nexus, just to boost his sales for his new edit. A dick move, I know.

Somehow, this worked, and now he makes his money by editing his frameworks, and releasing them under a new name, forcing people to re-buy them. If you feel like getting ahold of it, then just pay 200-300$ and buy it. And yeah, each schema for the framework also ranges from 200-300$... Buying mods for any game is stupid, so why would you pay such ridiculous prices for a terribly overused and overrated roleplay framework, that is also an Epidemic ripoff? (Check out Necropolis Roleplay's Epidemic script, MADE BY RICK DARK, and you'll see the similarities)

PS: It's also pretty much illegal. It has been said that selling Lua code made for GMod is in fact, not illegal, but haven't you noticed that Kuro also sells dll modules packed with OpenAura? Check the TOS, it is illegal to profit from dll files made with Source SDK.

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