Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Enviso - Upcoming roleplay framework!

So, in my last post regarding Cockwork CLOCKWORK I mentioned that a friend of mine was working on his own roleplay framework project. Well, he told me that I was free to write about it on here, so I will do just that.

Now, what is Enviso? As stated in the title, it's an upcoming roleplay framework being developed for GMod 13. It's being made by Elec and SpencerSharkey, and at the moment very little is known about it. Upon further investigation, I managed to get a hold of a really early picture of the grid based inventory:

pre-Alpha inventory test

As you can tell, the framework is in its early stages of development, and this was clearly just a temporary way of testing the inventory. Other than this picture and some very vague info about what exactly Enviso is, I don't really have much else to say about it at this point.

I remember that after TacoScript had been released, every roleplay gamemode following it added "Script" after its name. Nowadays roleplay gamemodes have moved away from this type of naming. Instead it seems like developers are trying to come up with names as unique as possible, using foreign words the average person has never heard of, rendering us with names such as: Radius, Enviso etc.

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