Garry's Mod Roleplay
Roleplayin' like 'twas 2008
Sunday, September 11, 2016
I am glad that LemonPunch is dead.
Yes, time for celebration bitches.The world's worst roleplay community is dead! But sadly a new shit arose from the ashes, that must be put to end before we are rid of the worst that ever existed.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Roleplay Ain't Dead | Half-Life 2 Roleplay
Figured I'd make a post about a new HL2RP I came across a while ago. It's currently the biggest HL2RP using the NutScript framework, so it seemed interesting.
My first impression of the server is that it's pretty much like every other HL2RP out there. They're not really taking any risks or doing anything fresh or creative, which ultimately ends up giving you the same dull HL2RP experience unless you're an admin or a part of a faction. The server lacks citizens. Most players you'll see on are in factions and usually stick to themselves, and the citizens that do exist aren't given much to do other than just wander around the city much like most HL2RP's. Even though it's the biggest HL2RP using NutScript the playerbase is still pretty minimal, roughly 6-10 players a day.
The server's got a gas mask plugin which is pretty cool. The sewers are filled with toxic fumes, and unless you've got a gas mask you'll die if you go down there. It's something that's not really seen in a lot of HL2RP's, and even if it's minor it's still a nice twist. The black market is dominated by an admin faction simply called "The Society", however coming across them without doing any metagaming seems harder than it should. There's a small resistance faction as well, but they spend most of their time circlejerking in the sewers. The server's got the standard CP divisions, and a unique one called "Omega" which is essentially a science division. Nice idea, but they just stay in the Nexus so it's not really noticeable to citizens.
During my time on the server I did some citizen roleplay, which is unrewarding because it's practically non-existent, and I also did some anti-citizen roleplay which was pretty fun. The server certainly has potential, however its biggest flaws are that it barely focuses on citizens and that there are too many players in factions based on the size of their playerbase. It could also use more players, however this isn't something the server owners themselves can fix.
You can find the server's forum here if you want to check it out for yourself.
The server gets a final rating of 6/10, it has potential but it doesn't quite live up to it as of yet.
My first impression of the server is that it's pretty much like every other HL2RP out there. They're not really taking any risks or doing anything fresh or creative, which ultimately ends up giving you the same dull HL2RP experience unless you're an admin or a part of a faction. The server lacks citizens. Most players you'll see on are in factions and usually stick to themselves, and the citizens that do exist aren't given much to do other than just wander around the city much like most HL2RP's. Even though it's the biggest HL2RP using NutScript the playerbase is still pretty minimal, roughly 6-10 players a day.
The server's got a gas mask plugin which is pretty cool. The sewers are filled with toxic fumes, and unless you've got a gas mask you'll die if you go down there. It's something that's not really seen in a lot of HL2RP's, and even if it's minor it's still a nice twist. The black market is dominated by an admin faction simply called "The Society", however coming across them without doing any metagaming seems harder than it should. There's a small resistance faction as well, but they spend most of their time circlejerking in the sewers. The server's got the standard CP divisions, and a unique one called "Omega" which is essentially a science division. Nice idea, but they just stay in the Nexus so it's not really noticeable to citizens.
During my time on the server I did some citizen roleplay, which is unrewarding because it's practically non-existent, and I also did some anti-citizen roleplay which was pretty fun. The server certainly has potential, however its biggest flaws are that it barely focuses on citizens and that there are too many players in factions based on the size of their playerbase. It could also use more players, however this isn't something the server owners themselves can fix.
You can find the server's forum here if you want to check it out for yourself.
The server gets a final rating of 6/10, it has potential but it doesn't quite live up to it as of yet.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Status 3: Back from the dead
Oh hello. So, I randomly came across this blog again, and it hasn't been updated in about a year. Just for the hell of it I figured I'd make another post and get the blog going again.
What's new on the GMod RP front, you ask? Eh, not much. kurozael/kuropixel/kuromiku/Conna Cook/Conna Wiles etc decided not to release Clockwork for free, and instead started selling it like he used to sell openAura. No big surprise there.
Tiramisu 2 has faded into oblivion. It's been removed from the workshop and no one uses it anymore.
NutScript was released by Chessnut as a free alternative to Clockwork. It's essentially a Clockwork clone, except it's open source and frequently updated by several scripters. It's pretty nice and has been getting a lot of attention.
Enviso never happened.
So yeah, that's about it. I'm going to start updating the blog again whenever I feel like it, posting reviews of servers and such. Stay tuned.
Until next time.
What's new on the GMod RP front, you ask? Eh, not much. kurozael/kuropixel/kuromiku/Conna Cook/Conna Wiles etc decided not to release Clockwork for free, and instead started selling it like he used to sell openAura. No big surprise there.
Tiramisu 2 has faded into oblivion. It's been removed from the workshop and no one uses it anymore.
NutScript was released by Chessnut as a free alternative to Clockwork. It's essentially a Clockwork clone, except it's open source and frequently updated by several scripters. It's pretty nice and has been getting a lot of attention.
Enviso never happened.
So yeah, that's about it. I'm going to start updating the blog again whenever I feel like it, posting reviews of servers and such. Stay tuned.
Until next time.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Hotpocket's terribly failed KFC utopia.

Man, their fucking banner looks like some 8 year old slapped some shit over it. Want some poop?
You guys going to love this, I got a call from a friend who told me to go and review this place, might have to join their shitty server later but so far here is a fuckin' tazer. (Hell yea', don't taze me brah!)
Apparently they are some really retarded "Vietnam Roleplay" server, the owner is some fat kid known as "Hotpocket" who likes to eat much in KFC. (kentucky friend shicken niggah')
Phew, o- yes the preview.
This is the best I could of find. But just so you know it might be possible I will be reviewing an empty server because they just died apparently.
.........................deadly silence........................
Anyway, this place is being lead by a bloke named as "Hotpocket", very blasphemous name. Last time I (h)ate a hot pocket that was like a year ago, really and it tasted like it came out of the pooper, but fuck that.
Apparently, this kid is in for the big time and the community is like meh... Dead beat 9 year old little faggots who only like to play as army man and suck each other's dick for power. Somewhat I really adore this guy, he actually managed to find out something interesting that makes people want to suck more cocks for power, like cock sucking is that much of a big thing for 9 year olds right? Right?
I did a quick search on pastetrash
(just cuz' I know lot of shit can appear there) :, seems like this guy is already mapped up straight to his house. Not sure if this is outdated? Maybe someone confirm it please? Send emails to me
Man, this place is worst then guantanamo bay! People get force fed here with bullshit of some fat 15 year old faggot, (man that's like swallowing feces down a pipe and ejaculating all over it!) and he goes all crazy on his shit by creating crappy servers outside the US, thinking it will not be DMCA'd, yet he goes for claiming shit his crap is original while it is very obviously not.
Fuck it, this is not a preview, where is my head attachable personal computer.
By Kargoth55, the glorious
Soon updated, okay?
Well, I was about to update this bitch, but turns out the whole community died, didn't manage to review it but it turns out it was a very big pile of shit, hence the gay leader and his fat ass.
That's all for now folks!
Friday, October 26, 2012
AvoxGaming - The Failed Utopia
Well, it is clearly dead, 'nuff said.
If I would be you, I would steer clear of any future creation of Tokiz, that jolly wanker must be out of his mind creating retarded communities for blokes like you and then stealing your money to buy a new graphics card.
Good job, bitch!
Good job, bitch!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
AvoxGaming - The dark truth of spambotting.
Well, here we are today. Let's talk about one of the latest crap miracles of GMod RP, maybe one of the least fortunate fucked up shit piles I have ever seen in my life.
AvoxGaming "was" (since it's dead) a Metro 2033 roleplay community. The strange start of the community should be noted, everyone who was working on the community like LauScript, Kipper and all those folks were working on ruining the place since the beginning of the community. Tokiz (the owner of the place) have paid for multiple spam bots on Steam to invite players into his STEAMGROUP and it reached like 7k members this far,currently at 7100. (Pardon me 7099.)
It was a scam of course, it's not a gossip, our internal sources told us that Tokiz wanted to gain around 400 USD out of this community to invest into his own PC's development, to be more specific to buy a graphics card. Well since he gained what he obviously wanted, he stopped working on the community and cashed out on his PayPal account to buy his swag. Nice huh? Most of the administrators are outraged, but Tokiz did it because of his "administrators", those who took part in the community as an administrator were always sucking his cock, and wanting to gain more and more power in the community, and this is just one part of why the community bit the inevitable dust. Now, he is gone enjoying his new graphics card and fooling other people into starting a new community to gain more cash out of it, just like he did it with X-Hosters.
And the more ridiculous fact is that he always know that his coders put malicious lines into his script and was aware that LauScript and Kipper going to leak it later on.
Well, nice gmod e-drama there.
But it not ends there! Appears that their forums are actually "nulled" aka pirated, after I contacted XenForo support, they torn apart the place a pretty bit to prove that it is nulled software.
That DMCA report must be looming over on Tokiz and soon he be facing a crime investigation for piracy in the United States. (Actually pirated softwares always have the links removed in the software, just check it, it's fake, move your mouse onto it to see it.)
It's obvious that there can't be 7100 players on Gmod who would be interested in his piece of shit, most of the crap that was going on his server was just cyberring, I even participated in one of that, was good one though. The IP's are already offline due to he didn't pay the monthly recurring fee for the servers, so most of the files are already wiped off of them.
Oh man! I didn't even post my review of this crap and someone already quit it. How pathetic.
Even their forums have a shitton of members that non-existent, look at the last "registered" user's name, "InjullyInsara" what picked idiot would choose that name for him self? Must be some retarded spammer possibly or he is just boosting his forum's visitor count. Either way, they still don't have more active members then 5-10 players a day only.
I actually liked the constant cyberring that was going on the server, it gave a bit of a red light district feel to it, people trying to reproduce, fucking, sucking, sex and the rock n' roll. Damn, wish I could find a good community that endorses cyberring, of course I know it might be a bit gross that you roleplay with a guy, but hey if he is gay and he is enjoying it, then good for him, until I get the usual bitches and my self sated then I have nothing to complain about, lol. Hell, if it's a female the better it is.
So far we arrived to the conclusion, the community sucks donkey cocks, the leader is a fucking power hungry whore, the community eats his shit like candy, etc etc... I can only rank it close to ShitRP, seriously.
That's all about AvoxGaming, a bit massive shit pile in one package.
Next up? We will see soon!
AvoxGaming "was" (since it's dead) a Metro 2033 roleplay community. The strange start of the community should be noted, everyone who was working on the community like LauScript, Kipper and all those folks were working on ruining the place since the beginning of the community. Tokiz (the owner of the place) have paid for multiple spam bots on Steam to invite players into his STEAMGROUP and it reached like 7k members this far,
It was a scam of course, it's not a gossip, our internal sources told us that Tokiz wanted to gain around 400 USD out of this community to invest into his own PC's development, to be more specific to buy a graphics card. Well since he gained what he obviously wanted, he stopped working on the community and cashed out on his PayPal account to buy his swag. Nice huh? Most of the administrators are outraged, but Tokiz did it because of his "administrators", those who took part in the community as an administrator were always sucking his cock, and wanting to gain more and more power in the community, and this is just one part of why the community bit the inevitable dust. Now, he is gone enjoying his new graphics card and fooling other people into starting a new community to gain more cash out of it, just like he did it with X-Hosters.
And the more ridiculous fact is that he always know that his coders put malicious lines into his script and was aware that LauScript and Kipper going to leak it later on.
Well, nice gmod e-drama there.
But it not ends there! Appears that their forums are actually "nulled" aka pirated, after I contacted XenForo support, they torn apart the place a pretty bit to prove that it is nulled software.
That DMCA report must be looming over on Tokiz and soon he be facing a crime investigation for piracy in the United States. (Actually pirated softwares always have the links removed in the software, just check it, it's fake, move your mouse onto it to see it.)
It's obvious that there can't be 7100 players on Gmod who would be interested in his piece of shit, most of the crap that was going on his server was just cyberring, I even participated in one of that, was good one though. The IP's are already offline due to he didn't pay the monthly recurring fee for the servers, so most of the files are already wiped off of them.
Oh man! I didn't even post my review of this crap and someone already quit it. How pathetic.
Even their forums have a shitton of members that non-existent, look at the last "registered" user's name, "InjullyInsara" what picked idiot would choose that name for him self? Must be some retarded spammer possibly or he is just boosting his forum's visitor count. Either way, they still don't have more active members then 5-10 players a day only.
I actually liked the constant cyberring that was going on the server, it gave a bit of a red light district feel to it, people trying to reproduce, fucking, sucking, sex and the rock n' roll. Damn, wish I could find a good community that endorses cyberring, of course I know it might be a bit gross that you roleplay with a guy, but hey if he is gay and he is enjoying it, then good for him, until I get the usual bitches and my self sated then I have nothing to complain about, lol. Hell, if it's a female the better it is.
So far we arrived to the conclusion, the community sucks donkey cocks, the leader is a fucking power hungry whore, the community eats his shit like candy, etc etc... I can only rank it close to ShitRP, seriously.
That's all about AvoxGaming, a bit massive shit pile in one package.
Next up? We will see soon!
Enviso - Upcoming roleplay framework!
So, in my last post regarding Cockwork CLOCKWORK I mentioned that a friend of mine was working on his own roleplay framework project. Well, he told me that I was free to write about it on here, so I will do just that.
Now, what is Enviso? As stated in the title, it's an upcoming roleplay framework being developed for GMod 13. It's being made by Elec and SpencerSharkey, and at the moment very little is known about it. Upon further investigation, I managed to get a hold of a really early picture of the grid based inventory:
Now, what is Enviso? As stated in the title, it's an upcoming roleplay framework being developed for GMod 13. It's being made by Elec and SpencerSharkey, and at the moment very little is known about it. Upon further investigation, I managed to get a hold of a really early picture of the grid based inventory:
pre-Alpha inventory test |
As you can tell, the framework is in its early stages of development, and this was clearly just a temporary way of testing the inventory. Other than this picture and some very vague info about what exactly Enviso is, I don't really have much else to say about it at this point.
I remember that after TacoScript had been released, every roleplay gamemode following it added "Script" after its name. Nowadays roleplay gamemodes have moved away from this type of naming. Instead it seems like developers are trying to come up with names as unique as possible, using foreign words the average person has never heard of, rendering us with names such as: Radius, Enviso etc.
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